BTS-006 Scorpion


Most of our episodes thus far have been about bad TV we love to watch, but this time we go in a new direction and watch a show that’s just a chore. Have you ever had your legs waxed? It’s mostly painful with little moments of respite, it’s pretty much unnecessary, but for some ungodly reason you force yourself to sit through it until the end. Scorpion is basically like that. But somehow it’s made it to its second season on CBS. Are there really fans of this show? If so, please come forward and educate us, because we’re baffled. Tune in to this episode of the podcast to hear major groans, some surprising factoids, a goodbye to Downton Abbey and more, all punctuated by Eva’s annoying laugh (who laughs like that??). Also, Andrew shows his lack of command of the English alphabet, as he can’t keep B, C, and D listers straight. Click play, because we watch bad TV so you don’t have to!